Benzinaio Romano:"Aho guarda quanto so forte, metto a benza, non gli faccio fa manco no schizzo e nun tocco neanche il disco"
BR:"guarda pure se a metto a manetta, non schizza, io ce tengo ae moto"
G:"meno male"
BR:"io c'avevo un ninja 1000"

G:"bello, ma io quelle non le voglio, mi ci ammazzo sicuro"
BR:"infatti, io ce sono passato dentro a un Ducato Daily, da parte a parte"
G:"vabbè ma mo stai bene no...?"
BR:"sono stato sei mesi in coma"
BR:"me so risvegliato sul letto dei morti"
G:"vabbè, almeno ti sei riposato.."
BR:"ma io la faccia di quello der Ducato ce l'ho qui (e si indica le tempie), se lo incontro o riconosco, e l'ammazzo".
G:"ah, vabbè ciao buona giornata"
p.s. 1
sto in fissa per questa (la metto il 14 /08 mattina per la prima tappa) :
I am the passenger And I ride and I ride
I ride through the citys backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, theyre bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the citys a rip in the sky
And everything looks good tonight
Singin la la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la la-la
Get into the car
Well be the passenger
Well ride through the city tonight
See the citys ripped insides
Well see the bright and hollow sky
Well see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
Oh the passengerHow how he rides
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window.
What does he see? He sees the bright and hollow sky
He see the stars come out tonight
He sees the citys ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and mecause it just belongs to you and me
So lets take a ride and see whats mine
Singin la la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la la-la
Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his windows eye
He sees the things he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city asleep at night
He sees the stars are out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
Oh, lets ride and ride and ride and ride
Singin la la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la la-la
p.s. 2
ieri grande staff in piscina per il campo, abbiamo provato i tuffi da fare al lago...
"adoro i piani ben riusciti"
2 commenti:
mezzo pieno?
vabbè staremo a vede...
ao stasera a che ora? io oggi indeciso fra mare e piscina...ieri tutto ok?
avevo partitone di calcetto per scaricarmi.
il ninja spigne troppo e pure la tua spigne na cifra...pero' la 3 mettila se no sulla pontina stai fisso a 65.
moto gp la 2 la tirano fino a 140/160 bim!
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